Peiqin Chen



  Dr. Peiqin Chen is a professor of journalism teaching Communication Theories, History of Global Communication and Media and Society at graduate and undergraduate level. She is the co-editor-in-chief of an international academic journal, Online Media and Global Communication.

She got her PhD at School of Journalism, Fudan University and was a Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar at Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University from 2006 to 2007. She was a media fellow doing research at Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland, from 2009 to 2010.

Dr. Chen’s major research areas are international journalism and communication. And her research also focuses very much on international public opinion and sociology of journalism.  



Peer-reviewed Academic Papers (First/Corresponding Author):

1.Attitude as a Situational Motivation of Communicative Actions: Navigating U.S.-China Trade Dispute through Situational Theory of Problem SolvingKCI, Asian Communication Research2020.9corresponding author.

2.Cultural Communication: An Analysis of Factors that Influence Foreign Tourists’ Attitudes towards Chinese Cultural Facilities in Chinese Cities, China Journalism and Communication Journal, 2019.

3.The Changing Landscape of Journalism Education in ChinaJournalism and Mass Communication Educator2017.Vol.72(3)297-305. (corresponding author)

4.Media Consumption and the Perception of Foreign Countries: A Comparative Study of the Impacts of  Chinese Media and US Media, Press Circles, 2016/14.

5.Journalism Professional Norms and China News, Journal of Shantou University, 2011/3.

6.Parachuted Foreign Correspondents and their Coverage of the World, Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities, 2011/7.

7.Medium is the Message? – An Analysis of the Relationship between the Use of Technology and Media Content, Press Circles, 2010/2.

8.An Analysis of the Political Influences and News Style of 19th Century US Party Newspapers, Chinese Journal of Journalism Communication, 2009/8.

9.A Study of American Sociology Journalism and the Sociological Study of News Production, Press Circles, 2008/4.

10.The Role of Radio in Citizen Political Participation in Digital Age, Journalism Quarterly, 2006 Summer.

11.“Literary Journalism in China”Literary Journalism, International Association for Literary Journalism, Summer 2011.


Books (First Author/Editor)

1. Report on International Influences of Cultural Events in Shanghai (2017), editor, Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing, 2017.

2.  A Study of American Journalism History, Anhui University Press, Hefei, 2010.

3. A Comparative Study of Teenage Media Consumption in Different Countries, co-editor, Anhui University Press, Hefei, 2010.

4.  International News and Foreign Correspondents, translation, China Economic Press, Beijing 2011.


Book Chapters (First Author):

1.How the Chinese News Media Present the US-China Trade War, The US-China Trade War: Global News Framing and Public Opinion in the Digital AgeMichigan State University2022, p147-2.

2.The Impact of Cultural Exchange Programs on How Participants Perceive their Host Countries,” in The Power of Culture: Encounters between China and the United Statesed. Priscilla RobertsCambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK2016.

3.Magazines: An Industry in Transition, in New Media for a New China, ed. James F. Scotton and William A. Hachten, Willey-Blackwell, Malden: 2010.

4. Radio Broadcasting: Deregulation and Development, in New Media for a New China, ed. James F. Scotton and William A. Hachten, Willey-Blackwell, Malden: 2010.

5. Social Movements and Chinese Literary ReportageInternational Literary Journalism: Historical Tradition and Transnational Influences, ed. John Bak, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst:  2011.

